Meta-data-set: Groundwater sampling Hel Peninsula/ Poland from 30.09. - 07.10.2010


1.) General description of the data set:

Major elements, trace metals, radium, tritium and nutrient data of sea water, pore water and groundwater seepage and sediments (one site influenced by groundwater, one less influenced) at Hel peninsula (Puck Bay/Poland). Additionally, seepage was sampled from benthic seepage-meters. Seepage rates of the groundwater compounds were measured with benthic chambers seepage meter mode. Pore water samples were additionally obtained with groundwater lances on groundwater impacted and less impacted sites. Two well water samples from different aquifers were taken for isotopic and geochemical analyses (δ18O-H2O, δD—H2O, δ13C-DIC). The temperature field of the surface sediments was recorded via temperature profiles measured with lances.

 2.) Created:


 3.) Last update:


 4.) Keywords:

Groundwater discharge, pore water, major and trace elements, nutrients, radium, O- and H-isotopes, tritium, Puck Bay

 5.) Area:

SE Baltic Sea, Puck Bay

 6.) Spatial extension:

Transects of seepage and geochemical data of about 30 m length at the beach of Hel peninsula, water depth about 1.5 m; three locations sampled with groundwater lances

 7.) Spatial resolution:

- pore waters from 0-40 cm sediment depth (groundwater lances)

- transect for geochemical data from 0-30 cm depth

- wells with 2 and 170 m depth

 8.) Time window:

30.09.2010 - 07.10.2010

 9.) Temporal resolution:

Selective sampling

 10.) Data and arrays:

About 20 parameters

11.) Reference to other data sets:

12.) Data quality (degree of validation):

Geochemical analyses

 13.) Where to find the data?

Data available from contact persons

 14.) Contact person:

Prof.Dr. Michael E. Bšttcher and Dr. Olaf Dellwig

Seestrasse 15
D-18119 Rostock
